Our ultrasound last week confirmed that Carter has a complex case of HLHS but still no definative plan of action.  We are hopeful that Vanderbilt's Pediatric Cardiologists can provide us with a clear plan of attack against this devastating disease on Friday, January 7.

Little Boston Carter was diagnosed with a congenital heart defect known as a single ventricle defect.  His particular type of defect is Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome or in simpler terms, the structures on the left side of the heart, including he left ventricle that pumps blood out of the body, are small and underdeveloped.
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The heart forms during the first 8 weeks of fetal development. It is at this time that defects that result in single ventricle emerge.  Most of the time, these kinds of heart defects occur sporadically (by chance), with no clear reason for their development. 
Our Precious Baby:  Carter